Tooth decay is often referred to as the second most common human disease, following the common cold. Unlike many conditions, tooth decay can affect people of any age and status. Without proper management, tooth decay can lead to chronic pain, loss of mouth function, and decreased aesthetics of the smile. While tooth decay is a common affliction for many Americans, it can be prevented, treated, and managed.
It’s Time for a Different Approach
Cavities (dental caries) are caused by a bacterial imbalance in your mouth resulting in increasing levels of acid. It is the acid that is destroying teeth. When dentists drill and fill cavities, they are only treating the result of the infection, not the imbalance itself–and the decay returns. While brushing and flossing can reduce bacteria, neither alters the current acidic bacterial balance in your mouth and you continue to get cavities. Dr. Dowsett and his team take a more holistic approach to uncover the WHY behind the infection and decay. We offer a range of testing, dietary analysis, habits, and ways to help empower patients to reduce and stop the cycle of cavities. It’s time to break the cycle of decay!